Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Swimming with Dolphins

We had the chance to go to the beach a few times this month. The boys have decided they love being buried in the sand. They wait patiently to be covered with sand and they just laugh and laugh. It so funny. THEN last time we Josh noticed that there were large schools of fish around the beach and every once in a while they would fly up like a wave and you could see them swim on top of the water for yards at a time. It was almost sunset when Josh started pointing and telling me to look and I saw a fin sticking out of the water. It was funny that I wasn't scared but right there on the shore were DOLPHINS. It was so cool. They were hunting the schools of fish and would come right up to the shore. Josh and Cody almost touched one. They weren't scared of the people there at all. They would swim up and then swish back and forth, I guess to gather the fish, but it was just like at Sea World and they seemed to be putting on a show. There was a couple probably 50 yards out that were snorkeling and they got to swim with the dolphins for half an hour probably. By the time I decided to get my camera they were going back out further and I didn't get very good shots but it was so neat.
Josh has been braver at the beach then me and he goes out 50 to 100 yards where it is waist deep and has seen sting rays, and turtles, and many different things he can't name. We've caught hermit crabs and snails, which Tanner loves to do.
Cody is still loving Gym class, and he's been having play dates with the neighbors. Tanner is talking better and better every day. They are growing up so fast! Josh is working long hours but he's enjoying his job, just wishing the pay was a little better. I'm real busy with the business since the biggest show of the year runs through October.
It feels weird starting the holiday season so far from any family. We were at the grocery store the other day and saw all the turkeys out for Thanksgiving and I asked Josh if he wanted a big traditional dinner or if we would just go out somewhere nice. He wants the traditional dinner so I guess we'll be eating leftovers for a while. There aren't many changes here yet, it is still pretty warm and humid, some leaves have changed and fallen but you really can't tell. There have been a few moments I've felt like fall was here but it had nothing to do with the weather. We are excited to start some of our own holiday traditions, but it will be hilarious putting out Christmas lights in our palm trees!

This girl followed them around forever with her camera phone.

The snorklers are on the right

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a fun experience! The boys look so cute buried in the sand. I think my girls would freak out! ; )
