Sunday, February 22, 2009


Wow, what a month this has been! We had the Baptism fireside to coordinate, the Blue and Gold Banquet, and then we had to talk in church today. I have a stronger testimony of prayer after last night. I woke up around 2 to feed Tanner and once I was up I was soooo sick. I threw up a few times and was just thinking oh no. I have to talk and teach sharing time tomorrow, I can't get sick. So I prayed until I fell back asleep and I woke up fine!!! Anyways, I feel like a giant weight has been lifted because I can't think of another big event to take care of for the next few weeks! Not to mention my kids are both pretty much healthy, thank goodness. I do have to get ready for the auction but not until the second week of March and that's not really that big of a deal so I can much as possible with a two year old and a 8 month old, oh ya and a thirty something year old!!! We're so thankful that Josh has a job here at home. He was told that he could work the outage for this semester and then could go back to 4 tens next semester! And that as long as the company had work for him he would have a job! Yippee. This outage will be rough with him working 7 twelves but we can handle it. He says he's gonna forget all that he's learned but I know he won't! Before we know it he will be done with school.....hopefully!

1 comment:

  1. you did such a great job today. And with the blue and gold banquet. Hand in there with school. Some days I felt like Winslow would never be done. (over 30 credit hours every trimester,,,year round.) And he's been out for 5 years now. It goes by faster then you think...especially looking back.
