We had a great Valentines Day. Last night I cut up paper hearts and scattered them on the floor along with candy hearts and chocolates. I also hung a cheap glittery heart from the fan. Cody thought it was pretty cool and Tanner just wanted to eat the paper. Then we left the boys home to run off the sugar high and we went out to breakfast at Boogas. It was way better then their dinners and we had an easier time finding a sitter. Josh surprised me with a new CTR ring. I wanted it for Christmas but it didn't get here in time and I had forgotten about it so it was nice. We're so glad that Tanner is getting over his RSV. I have always been worried about my kids getting real sick but it wasn't that bad. He's such a trooper. I'm thankful that we didn't have to go to the hospital and that Dr Bigham took care of us so well. We still have to go see a ENT next week about his croupy cough that he's had since birth. They are probably gonna put a optic camera down his nose and or throat. That should be fun but after this last week I know he'll do just fine. Thanks for the prayers and help with everything! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY
How To Judge A Good Carpet Cleaning Service
2 years ago
I didn't know Tanner had RSV this last week. NO FUN. We were glad to escape the hospital this week too. David's been fighting pneumonia. Glad both your boy and mine are doing good. Sounds like fun to go on a breakfast date. We'll have to try it!