Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bye Bye AZ

We are so excited we got a renter on Friday so we are for sure going to Tampa. We have to move out by the 4th of June! So we are crazy busy packing and geting everything arranged to move. Our to-do list grows by the second. We will probably be on the road 4-5 days so not looking forward to that but can't wait to get there. I will post as soon as I have internet again. Until then all my Blogger friends, bye bye AZ!

This is the house we rented. 4 Bedroom-2Bath- 2100 square feet
5 acres all fenced and barn space! Plus the owner runs a hay farm and we can graze our horses on the 40 acres when it's not hay season!,+Masaryktown,+Hernando,+Florida+34604&ll=28.431261,-82.43248&spn=0.393091,0.614548&z=11

A link to see where in Florida we will be!


  1. Oh we will miss you guys! Winslow and I lived in Kansas City MO and Dallas Texas when we were young and the kids were little. You know I have very fond memories of those times. Sometimes change is just what the doctor ordered. Everywhere you live has it's pros and cons. And We learned that we could be happy anywhere. I know you will find joy and happiness in your great adventure. ENJOY!!

  2. Congrats Stacy & Josh! We wish you luck! What an awesome place for you to live while in FL! Be safe & good luck!
