Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tanner's First Birthday Party

The twin cousins finally got their birthday party, and everyone got wet. All the kids jumped in the pools all day even though we had the craziest weather ever. It was sunny all day but there were times of rain.... and the wind was so annoying, but I wanna see someone else have a party here without the wind blowing! There were five thousand squirt guns available to the kids and parents and of course Josh was the biggest kid! Cody and Brodee loved splashing each other in the pools and Cason and Tanner LOVED eating their cakes! Thank you to everyone who spoiled my baby with presents. He loves them all (when Cody isn't stealing them to play with) We had a great party and Aleece did most of it so big Thanks to her.....and her parents for letting us have it in their beautiful orchard! I love having a child with a summer birthday. My brother and I had winter birthdays so this is so much fun to me. I love you Tanner and I hope you had a great Birthday Party!

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