I don't know if I would call it a vacation but we had fun anyways. First off our first plane was delayed causing us to miss our connection and then putting us to San Diego about 2 am!!! So fun with three boys!!! (my nephew Chase was with us) So after getting in late the rest of the trip was chaotic and I could never find anything because we never really had time to unpack and settle in. We went to Sea World the first day and Disneyland the next two days. The kids were troopers. Tanner hated being carried around and I never noticed how you cannot take a stroller with you anywhere until I wanted to. Other than that they had a good time. Cody's favorite was the Playhouse Disney show because he recognized everyone...it was soooo funny he would watch them and then turn around screaming and give me or Josh a huge hug and then turn around real fast and watch again. We did get to let them play at the beach and it was really nice weather. Cody and I weren't much for it but you can see Josh tried to get us wet a few times. Our camera broke so we didn't get pics at Disneyland. Lots of good memories but way too fast paced for us...maybe again in a few years!
What a trip! I'm glad you survived, and sad your camera broke and it was so hectic. Good memories though, and I'm glad you got to go.